Building Skills Through Inclusion: The Youth Exchange
The third and last main activity of the Erasmus+ Youth project Building Skills Through Inclusion, financed by the European Union and coordinated by Asociatia Babilon Travel, is a youth exchange.
The aim of the project is to promote and foster social inclusion of young people with disabilities and fewer opportunities by being focused on mobility, independent living and employability. Continue reading…
Inclusive Internet Radio: Our next challange
“Inclusive Internet Radio” (InRadio) is one of many of our approved projects in 2018. It is an Erasmus+ KA-1 youth mobility project where low budget (community) web radio broadcasting is used as a tool of youth participation and social inclusion. It will provide 2 main activities, an advance planning visit (APV) and a youth exchange (YE).
Both activities will be held in Cluj-Napoca, Romania: the APV during January 10-13, 2019, and the YE between March 8-16, 2019 (including travel days). Continue reading…
Posted in Erasmus+, InRadio, KA-1, Projects, Youth Exchange
Tagged asociatia babilon travel, inclusive internet radio, inradio
Swim to Live 3: Masters
The New Year is here in a glimpse and together with it the brand new project of Babilon Travel NGO, within the Erasmus+ Sport program of the European Union. Its title: Swim to Live 3 (SWILI3).
It is the third approved project, from a program, started in 2017, and entitled Swim to Live. The first one (2017) was dedicated to adult people that were not actively involved in sport and outdoor activities. The second one (2018) involved children, with and without disabilities, as beneficiaries. The project that will start in January 2019 (Swim to Live 3) is about seniors, age 50+ that are already active in different areas, like sport, learning languages, reading, gardening, playing an instrument, etc.
Posted in Erasmus+, Programme, Projects, Sport, Swim to Live, Swim to Live 3
Tagged asociatia babilon travel, erasmus+ sport, swim to live 3
EVA Forever
Empowerment, Vitality and Assertiveness – Female Education in Mentoring 2 (EVA-FEM2) is a brand new approved project implemented by Asociatia Babilon Travel.
Building Skills Through Inclusion: The story continues
Building Skills Through Inclusion is an Erasmus+ youth project financed by the European Union. There are 5 countries participating: Albania, Kosovo, Portugal, Romania and Serbia.
The aim of the project is to promote and foster social inclusion of young people with disabilities and fewer opportunities by being focused on mobility, independent living and employability.
To achieve its aim, the project will have three main activities: a partnership building seminar, a training course and a youth exchange.
The second main activity is a training course (TC) in Durres, Albania, starting on October 28 (arrival day) and ending on November 4, 2018 (departure day).
The Voice of Invisibles
The Voice of Invisibles is another inclusion project of Babilon Travwel NGO, financed by the European Union through the Erasmus+ Programme.
The main activity is a training course held in Durres, Albania, between October 1-7, 2018.
The Voice of Indivisibles aims to increase the awareness and develop skills of youth workers on fostering social inclusion and diversity, by involving young people with fewer opportunities in outdoor activities, creativity with recycling, mobility, and volunteering.
Posted in Erasmus+, KA-1, Projects, The Voice of Invisibles
Tagged albania, asociatia babilon travel, durres, erasmus+
VIP Culture – Youth exchange in Macedonia (FYROM)
VIP Culture is a brand new Erasmus+ project, in which Babilon Travel NGO is acting as partner and sending organization.
The main activity is a youth exchange that will take place in Krushevo, FYRO Macedonia, during September 24 – October 1, 2018.
The aim of our project is to promote the idea of integration into society and culture of visually impaired or blind young people. The project intends to motivate the participants to believe in themselves, to raise their self-esteem, to overcome their fears, discriminations, to raise their awareness and to become more open towards others. Continue reading…
Posted in Erasmus+, KA-1, Projects, VIP Culture, Youth Exchange
Tagged asociatia babilon travel, vip culture
Codruta about her training in Seville
The first time I set foot in Spain, more precisely in the wonderful city of Seville, was on 16th -23rd June, 2018, due to an Erasmus+ KA1 training programme. The NGO that chose to send me there was “Asociatia Babilon Travel” through his executive director, Gabriel. Continue reading…
Partnership Building Seminar in Romania
The first main activity of the Erasmus+ Youth multi-activity project Building Skills Through Inclusion, coordinated by Babilon Travel NGO and funded by the European Union, is a partnership building seminar in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, starting on August 26 and ending on September 1, 2018 (travel days included).
Building Skills Through Inclusion
Babilon Travel NGO Romania is coordinating an Erasmus+ KA-1 project in field of youth.
The aim of the project is to promote and foster social inclusion of young people with disabilities and fewer opportunities by being focused on independent living and employability. Continue reading…
From Labor Market to Labor Makers
What: Training course for youth workers in the frame of Erasmus+ Programme, KA105 Youth Mobility.
Who: 24 youth workers who are over 18+ years old from Spain, Bulgaria, Romania, Portugal, Poland, Slovakia, Croatia, Greece and Italy.
Where: Seville, Spain.
When: 16-23 June. Continue reading…
Posted in Erasmus+, From Labor Market to Labor Makers, KA-1, Projects
Tagged asociatia babilon travel, erasmus+, spain
Swim to Live 2: Continued (Part 3 – Romania)
During the trans-national meeting in Romania, June 16-19, 2018, 23 participants from Italy, Romania and Slovenia, 15 youngsters, 3 swimming instructors, 3 youth workers and 2 team members, will explore in a mindfull way the treasure city Cluj-Napoca and the magical, mythical mountains of the West Carpathians. Continue reading…
Posted in Uncategorized
Act-Ion: New Training Course in Italy
Asociația Babilon Travel is proud to announce that the brand new project “Act-Ion” was approved for financing, within the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
The project, a KA-1 youth mobility one, will be an opportunity for exchanging ideas and best practices among youth workers and educators from 9 countries. It will compare the different realities, the needs expressed by local communities and possible solutions applied to tackle the phenomena of social marginalization. Continue reading…
Swim to Live 2: Continued (Part 2 – Slovenia)
The Swim to Live 2 project, part of the Erasmus+ Sport small collaborative partnership between Slovenia, Italy and Romania, continued with a 3 day transnational meeting in Ankaran, Slovenia, during May 10-13, 2018.
The participants shared their experiences gained during the previous parts of the project, made a lot of indoor and outdoor mindfulness sessions and had a lot of fun. Continue reading…
Posted in Erasmus+, KA-1, Projects, Sport, Swim to Live 2, Youth Exchange
employABLE: Planning an accessible martial art festival in Dublin
employABLE will bring together 40 disabled young people between 18 and 30 years old and their carers from Italy, Ireland, Poland, Romania and UK.
Posted in employABLE, Erasmus+, KA-1, Projects, Youth Exchange
Explore your European Identity
“Explore Your European Identity” will be a 5 day Erasmus+ KA-1 Youth Mobility training course for youth workers and youth leaders, organized in Bulgaria, between April 5-11, 2018. The project encourages participants to develop a deeper understanding of European Identity and Citizenship, and provides them with skills to support the development of active European Citizenship amongst their target groups.
Posted in Erasmus+, Explore Your European Identity, KA-1, Projects
Tagged asociatia babilon travel
Tools for Coaching Young People
Tools for Coaching Young People was a multi-activity Erasmus+ project organized by Act Global CIC (Uk), were Asociatia Babilon Travel acted as partner and sending organization.
The first main activity was a training course in Gwersyll yr Urdd Glan-llyn, in Wales, UK, between December 9-16, 2016. Continue reading
Swim To Live 2: Sport, mindfulness and much more
Swim to Live is a small collaborative partnership formed as an Erasmus+ sport project in 2017. Our goals are oriented towards making a habit of regular swimming activities, gaining knowledge for swimming instructors, learning how to promote good practices, influencing local environment for club leaders and a Swim to Live license for instructors.
We want to spread the knowledge of teaching swimming and love towards swimming to previously non-active people by simply engaging them. Continue reading…
Posted in Erasmus+, Projects, Sport, Swim to Live 2
Tagged asociatia babilon travel, mindfulness, sport, swim to live
All Inclusive: Youth Exchange in Bosnia-Herzegovina
When: October 6-14, 2017
Application Deadline: September 15, 2017
“All inclusive – Applying Artistic Theatre Methods in Youth Work with Handicapped or Disadvantaged Youth” is a youth exchange inside the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The project intends to deliver a model for future school-focused activities of our partners. Participating teamers of the youth exchange will learn to design own workshops. They will learn to implement their knowledge as facilitators under the guidance of experienced theatre trainers and put a theatre play on stage with an international youth group that is consisting of impaired and non-impaired youth. Continue reading…
EMVISION: Call for Participants
“Empowering young visually impaired to stand up for inclusive policy reforms” (EMVISION) is an Erasmus+, KA-3, structural dialogue project, developed by Asociatia Babilon Travel (ABT). Participants will be actively involved in the implementation of inclusive policy reforms and will represent youth opinion regarding the subject of inclusion of young blind or visually impaired (YBVI). Continue reading…
Be Involved: Youth Exchange in the Tatra Mountains
Be Involved is a multi-activity project with two separate Youth Exchanges. First taking place in July in Poland and second in Germany.
The youth exchange in Poland will take place in Poronin (Tatra Mountains), between July 21-30, 2017. The participants, age 18-26, are citizens or residents of Lithuania, Slovakia, Romania, Poland and Germany. Continue reading…
Posted in Erasmus+, KA-1, Youth Exchange
Tagged asociatia babilon travel, be involved, poronin
EMVISION: First Erasmus+ KA-3 project in Cluj
“Empowering young visually impaired to stand up for inclusive policy reforms” (EMVISION) is an Erasmus+, KA-3, structural dialogue project, developed by Asociatia Babilon Travel (ABT).
EMVISION is raising the voices of young people concerned about the situation of young blind or visually impaired (YBVI) and empowers them to strive to improve inclusive youth policy, dedicated YBVI through a structured dialogue between young people and decision makers/experts in this field. EMVISION is encouraging the involvement of civil society in creating and implementing policies, promoting transnational co-operation, better knowledge of European policies, equipping participants with soft skills such as working in an international environment, designing of actions with impact on decision-making agents power and increasing acceptability of participants to other cultures.
Sport for Sustainable Development: Seminar in Bansko
Sport for Sustainable Developmentis a two-stage international Erasmus+ project, coordinated by Champions Factory LTD UK, that aims to gather 30 young people from 9 countries (United Kingdom, Romania, Lithuania, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Poland, Slovakia and Croatia) in order to develop their skills on how to use sport as a tool for sustainable development. Youth workers will be involved and empowered to bring out the potential of the youngsters they work with and learn how to use sport and act as multipliers. Continue reading…
Let’s Animate: Redesign Youth Work Through Animation!
Babilon Travel NGO’s brand new project started on April 2nd, 2017.
The main activity consists of a training course that will take place, in Bucharest, Romania, between 9-18 of June, 2017.
It will bring together 24 participants (aged 18+) from across Europe and has been designed for young people and people who work with young people. This could include youth workers, youth leaders, educators, trainers and NGO volunteers who would like to expand their knowledge in the field of animation and to boost their digital skills. Continue reading…
Posted in Erasmus+, KA-1, Let’s Animate, Projects, Training Course
Tagged 2017, babilon travel, bucharest, erasmus+, let’s animate, training course
Swim to Live: Adaptive Sport as tool for Inclusion
Swim to Live! is a collaborative partnership formed for an Erasmus+ sport project for the year 2017.
Our goals are oriented towards making a habit of regular swimming activities, gaining knowledge for swimming instructors, learning how to promote good practices, influencing local environment for club leaders and as a result, we will launch a certificate of competency – Swim to live license for instructors. Continue reading…
Posted in Erasmus+, Projects, Sport, Swim to live
Tagged babilon travel ngo, slovenia, swim to live
Discovering Europe Together – Budapest
The “Discovering Europe Together” (Descoperim Europa Impreuna) DEI programme is a direct result of the international project “Value the Difference”, coordinated by Babilon Travel NGO and co-financed by the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme. Continue reading…
Posted in DEI, DEI Budapest, Programme, Projects
Tagged babilon travel ngo, budapest, dei, discovering europe together
Value the Difference – The Finale
Cluj-Napoca, 21st November, 2016
Babilon Travel Association completes the international project
Value the difference
Babilon Travel NGO completes the international project entitled “Value the difference”, project which aims at a better integration in society of the young visually impaired people, both locally and at an international level, through various indoor and outdoor sports practices adapted to their needs.
Posted in Press Releases, Projects, Value the Difference
Discovering Europe Together – Bucharest
Cluj-Napoca, 21st November, 2016
Babilon Travel NGO completes the project
Posted in DEI, DEI Bucharest, Press Releases, Programme, Projects
Tagged babilon travel ngo, dei, dei bucharest
Let’s Go Eco Tourism: Erasmus+ project in Poland
Babilon Travel NGO is partner and sending organisation in a new Erasmus+ project, Let’s Go Eco Tourism, that will have two main activities (youth exchanges): one in Poland, between 16-25 September, 2016 and one in Slovakia, between 1-8 December, 2016.
The first youth exchange will take place in Murzasichle/Poland and will gather 30 participants from 5 EU countries: Romania, Poland, Slovakia, Germany and Lithuania. Continue reading…
Posted in Erasmus+, KA-1, Let’s Go Eco Tourism, Projects
Tagged babilon travel ngo, erasmus+, let’s go eco tourism, poland
Effective Multicultural Team: Coming soon in Turkey
The same location, Akcakoca/Turkey, but a completly diffrent project, Effective Multicultural Team, for which Babilon Travel NGO is acting as sending organisation.
After the suucess of the project Let’s Hug Each Other, that took place also in Akcakoca, our organisation decided to send 3 Romanian participants to the Erasmus+ project Effective Multicultural Team, that will take place between August 26 and September 3, 2016.
There will be 33 participants, age 18+, from seven EU countries: Latvia, Greece, Romania, Turkey, Sweden, Estonia, Macedonia.
Let’s Hug Each Other – Training Course in Turkey
The next training course, for which Babilon Travel NGO is sending participants, is “Let’s hug each other” and will take place in Akcakoca, Turkey, between August 1-7, 2016.
It will bring together 35 youth workers, youth leaders and volunteers from 7 European countries: Turkey, Bulgaria, FYROM, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Romania.
Posted in Let’s Hug Each Other, Training Course
CONNECTOR – The third edition (2016)
Babilon Travel NGO is participating for the second time to an international event that started in 2014 in the city of Cluj-Napoca.
The event brings together more than 250 participants from more than 35 countries from all over the world.
It will take place in Bucharest between July 5-11. Continue reading…
Posted in Connector, Events, Uncategorized
Tagged babilon travel ngo, bucharest, connector
Close-Up 2: Culture Since Rome (in Portugal)
Another international project were Asociația Babilon Travel NGO, as partner organisation, is sending bling youngsters, as participants.
Main themes of the Youth Exchange “Close Up 2, Culture Since Rome” are European citizenship and cultural diversity. The project promotes and disseminates the best practices in youth work and non-formal education, as well as empower youngsters skills, self-awareness and cultural understanding. Continue reading…
Posted in Close-Up 2, Erasmus+, Projects
Tagged asociatia babilon travel, close-up 2
SITiDeV: Youth Exchange for Visually Impaired
Our local, national and international projects:
SITiDeV: Youth Exchange for Visually Impaired, is a national project that intends to bring together, in May 2016, 6 visually impared/blind young people, 2 non-visually impaired and 4 youth workers, from Tg. Frumos and Cluj-Napoca, for four days. During this period of time the participants will learn to exercise together sport and outdoor activities. Continue reading…
Posted in Projects, SITiDeV Youth Exchange
Tagged babilon travel ngo, sitidev, youth exchange
Springtime: Flowers and Projects (Close-Up 2)
One of the first projects, Babilon Travel NGO is involved in, this year,, is an international project called „Close-Up 2 – Culture Since Rome”. The main activity of the project, a youth exchange, will take place in Beja, Portugal, between 16-24 May, 2016 and will gather youngsters 24 youngster, age 18-25, 6 youth leader, age 18+, and 2 accompanying persons, age 18+, from 6 EU countries: Romania, Portugal, Hungary, Estonia, The Netherlands and Poland. The participants will be a mixed group of visually and non-visually impaired. Continue reading…
Posted in Close-Up 2, Erasmus+, Projects
Tagged babilon travel ngo, beja, close-up 2, portugal
Value the Difference: On local, national and international media
The project Value the Difference, financed by the European Union, through the Erasmus+ programme and coordinated by Babilon Travel NGO, has finished the two main activities:
- A training course for 24 youth workers, educators and volunteers, from 5 European countries, involved in activities with young disabled people. The training was held in Cluj-Napoca and Muntele Băișoara resort, between November 3-11 2016;
- A youth exchange for 40 young people and youth leaders, coming from the same 5 European countries, România, Polonia, Belgia, Grecia și Italia, youth exchange ment to let some of the youth workers, trained during the training course, to practice their gained and developed competences, regarding adaptive sport and outdoor activities, used as tools of inclusion for young disabled people. The youth exchange took place in Poronin/Poland, in a wonderful mountain region (Tatra), between January 16-23, 2016.
In these two main activities, there were directly involved, as participants, 19 blind and visually impaired young people. Through the activities held at the Special High School for Visually Impaired Cluj-Napoca, the project also involved many blind/visually impaired students and teachers of this institution.
The porpose of this article is to review how the project Value the Difference and its main activities were present in the national and international media. Continue reading…
Posted in Erasmus+, KA-1, Projects, Value the Difference
Value the Difference – Starting the second part
CLUJ-NAPOCA, 15.01.2016
Value the Difference
Babilon Travel NGO has launched the second part of the project Value the Difference, a multi-activity project designed to promote integration (both locally and internationally) of visually impaired young people through sport and outdoor activities tailored to their needs. Continue reading…
Posted in Erasmus+, KA-1, Press Releases, Projects, Value the Difference
2015 – Bottom-line
Babilon Travel NGO, at the end of 2015, in numbers:
• 8 international projects;
• 1 local project;
• 9 countries directly involved;
• 22 young people and youth workers, visually and non-visually impaired, sent to 6 European countries on training and youth exchanges;
• 82 visually impaired/blind young people guided through the historical center of the treasure city of Cluj;
• 18 people, from 4 EU countries brought to Cluj for training;
• 8 times present on local and national tv channels (about 90 minutes on air);
• 4 times present on local radio stations;
• … articles on- and off-line
• 8 volunteers.
Terra Cognita in Pictures
At the end of November 2015, Babilon Travel NGO finalized the local project Terra Cognita: The Historical Center of Cluj-Napoca, Made Accessible for Blind Young People, project financed by the Municipality of Cluj-Napoca.
We present here pictures taken during the main activities of the project, held in the historical center of the city of Cluj and at the Special High School for Visually Impaired Cluj-Napoca. See the intire album
Value the Difference – Press Release
Cluj-Napoca, 27.10.2015
Posted in Press Releases, Projects, Value the Difference
Tagged babilon travel ngo, cluj, training course, value the difference
Value the difference – Inclusion, sport and much more
Babilon Travel NGO’s main mission is to promote intercultural dialog, inclusion, adaptive sports as instruments of inclusion, active European citizenship among young people, young people with fewer opportunities or disabled. We also promote sustainable tourism, rural tourism, ecotourism, traditions and handicrafts of Romania with focus on the region of Transylvania and the city of Cluj-Napoca, creating tourist tracks suitable for disabled young people. Continue reading
Posted in Erasmus+, KA-1, Projects, TC’s, Value the Difference
Tagged asociatia babilon travel, erasmus+, project, value the difference
Inclusive Youth Leaders: Erasmus+ Project in Portugal
Another international project in which Babilon Travel NGO is involved as partner and sending organization, will take place in Beja, Portugal, between August 20-28, this year.
Inclusive Youth Leadersm is an Erasmus+ project coordinated by Autonomia Descoberta NGO, Portugal. Continue reading…
Posted in Erasmus+, Inclusive Youth Leaders, KA-1, Projects
Tagged babilon travel ngo, inclusion, portugal, youth leaders
Project VI – Training Course in UK

The main activity of this project is a training course that will take place in Swindon, England, UK, between August 17-23, 2015. The 30 participants to this training course will be selected from the following countries: Romania, United Kingdom, Poland, Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Continue reading…
Posted in Erasmus+, KA-1, Project VI, Projects
Tagged asociatia babilon travel, Project VI, uk, VIP
Europe of Culture: Bottom Line
The study visit, as main activity of the Erasmus+ project Europe of Culture, where Babilon Travel NGO was partner, held in Moldova in Chisinau and other places with a rich cultural and historical heritage, took place between 19 to 27 May 2015.
33 youth workers, trainers, youth leaders, project managers from Romania, Denmark, Georgia, Moldova, Poland, Turkey and Ukraine, attended the event.
Posted in Erasmus+, Europe of Culture, Projects, Study Visit
Tagged babilon travel ngo, europe of culture, republic of moldova
Terra Cognita: The Historical Center of Cluj-Napoca Accessible for Blind Young People
The local project “Terra Cognita: The Historical Center of Cluj-Napoca Accessible to Blind Young People” is developed and coordinated by Babilon Travel NGO and funded by the Municipality and Local Council of the city of Cluj-Napoca, and covers the period 30 March to 30 November 2015.
Terra Cognita is a natural follow-up of the project “Terra Mirabilis: Tourist Tracks for Visually Impaired Young People” implemented in 2014. The project aims to document and promote a pilot tourist route in the historic center of Cluj, adapted to the needs of young blind people from Romania and abroad.
Posted in Projects, Terra Cognita
Tagged babilon travel ngo, city hall, cluj, terra cognita
Terra Mirabilis Event in Cluj and in the media
Babilon Travel NGO, continuing the Terra Mirabilis local project, organized a major event: 55 visually impaired and blind young people, from all over Romania, visited the historic center of Cluj-Napoca.Continue reading…
Europe of Culture: Study Visit in Republica Moldova
Place and date: Chișinău, Republic of Moldova, May 19-27, 2015 (travel days included).
Participants: 33 youth workers, trainers, youth leaders, project managers, from Romania, Denmark, Georgia, Moldova, Poland, Turkey and Ukraine. Continue reading…
Posted in Erasmus+, Europe of Culture, Projects
Tagged babilon travel ngo, chisinau, europe of culture, republic of moldova
Get Connected 2.0 Training Course
Place and date: Uri, Sassari, Sardinia (Italy) April 14-21, 2015 (Travel Day included)
Participants: 25 participants, at least 2 participants/country, youth workers, trainers, youth leaders, project managers, youth policy makers, age 20+.
Countries: Romania – Babilon Travel NGO, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom.
Language: The working language will be English.
This mobility project (TC) will develop participants’ skills, knowledge and attitudes concerning how to involve young people through E-Media in the policy’s decision making process. Continue reading…
Posted in Get Connected 2.0, Projects
Tagged babilon travel ngo, get connected 2.0, italy, sardinia
Study Visit: Project Volunteering as a Tool for Inclusion
The project “Volunteering as a Tool for Inclusion” started in the fall of 2013. The partners from 8 EU countries, Romania, Latvia, Hungary, Italy, Denmark, Slovakia, Croatia and Ireland. Representing volunteer centers and organizations involving volunteers and developing resource efficiency through volunteer involvement. The overall objective of the project is to increase in the partner countries the social inclusion of disadvantaged or marginalized groups, through their involvement in volunteering, and to share experiences and good practices.
Posted in Events, Projects, Study Visit, Volunteering as a Tool of Inclusion
Tagged babilon travel ngo, cluj-napoca, study visit
Social Entrepreneurship Now! Training Course in Sardinia
“Social Entrepreneurship Now!” is a Training Course (TC) that aims to gather in Uri, from 9th February to 16th February, 25 participants (youth workers, social workers, youth leaders) from 11 countries (Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Austria, Poland, Malta, UK, Romania, Croatia, Portugal and The Netherlands). There will be seven full working days.
The Training Course aims at exploring the concept of social entrepreneurship as an innovative way to solve social problems using entrepreneurial skills and youth voice. Continue reading…
Posted in Erasmus+, KA-1, Projects, Social Entrepreneurship Now!, TC’s
Tagged asociatia babilon travel, italy, mine vaganti ngo, social entrepreneurship
TERRA MIRABILIS Project: Exploiting the Results
The local project “Terra Mirabilis: Tourist Trails for Visually Impaired Young People”, developed by Babilon Travel NGO and funded by the City Hall and the City Council Cluj-Napoca, comes to an end. Continue reading…
Posted in Events, Projects, Terra Mirabilis
Tagged babilon travel ngo, terra mirabilis, visually impaired
TAKE THE LEAD in Cyprus!
Empowering Young Disabled People to Take Action in Europe – Bottom Line
The Erasmus+ project “Empowering Young Disabled People to Take Action in Europe”, was developed and organized by Act Global CIC UK in partnership with Asociatia Babilon Travel Romania.
Terra Mirabilis Project on Local and National Tv Channels
The closure of the local project “Terra Mirabilis: Tourist Tracks for Visually Impaired Young People” was marked by a press conference and a ceremony held at the Taylor’s Tower Cluj-Napoca on November 27, 2014.
There were participating 18 journalists from national and local newspapers, radio and TV stations (TVR, Antena 1, Digi 24, Radio Romania Cluj, Radio Romania Tg. Mureș and Radio Voice Evangheliei).
Some of the broadcasts can be watched below:
Continue reading…
Terra Mirabilis Local Project – Photo Album
Posted in Projects, Terra Mirabilis
Tagged asociatia babilon travel, cluj-napoca, local project, terra mirabilis
Terra Mirabilis: Final Press Release
Babilon Travel NGO has completed the project Terra Mirabilis: Tourist Tracks for Visually Impaired Young People, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, November 24, 2014.
Download this press release in MS Word format.
Babilon Travel NGO completed the project Terra Mirabilis, a local project that aims to create a tourist trail for the blind or visually impaired in the historical center of Cluj-Napoca. Continue reading
Posted in Press Releases, Projects, Terra Mirabilis
Tagged babilon travel ngo, cluj, project, terra mirabilis, visually impaired
CONNECTOR: International Non-Formal Event in Cluj
CONNECTOR creates an interactive “happening” for hundreds of people from all over Europe, people for whom non-formal learning is the natural choice which completes and supports formal education. View the entire album…
Recognition of Non-Formal Education – Training Course in Weimar
European youth workers need to be given the possibility to share best practices on the recognition of non-formal education. Therefore the training course “Recognition of Non-Formal Education”, held in Weimar/Germany, between October 10-16, 2014, focused on the exchange of tools and instruments used in different European countries, to further develop a common strategy to be implemented on the local, national and European level. View the album…
Posted in Recognition of Non-Formal Education, Training Course, YiA
Tagged babilon travel ngo
Empowering Young Disabled People to Take Action in Europe Training Course
This training course takes place in Urdd Glan Llyn, Wales, United Kingdom, between 15-22 December 2014 and aims to highlight how to engage with blind and visually impaired young people and support them to get involved into regular international youth activity. We invite participants (over 18 years old) from Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania and the UK. Continue reading
Babilon Travel NGO has completed the first phase of the project Terra Mirabilis: Tourist Tracks for Visually Impaired Young People, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, July 21, 2014.
Download this press release in MS Word format.
Babilon Travel NGO completed the first part of the project Terra Mirabilis, a local project that aims to create a tourist trail for the blind or visually impaired in the historical center of Cluj-Napoca. Continue reading
Posted in Press Releases, Projects, Terra Mirabilis
Tagged babilon travel ngo, cluj-napoca, romania, terra mirabilis project
Appetizer: Seminar in Turkey
The name of this seminar represents the entire idea – to motivate (“appetite”) people to expand their activities internationally! The idea for ‘Appetiser’ was born in 2004, where the need for new beneficiaries in the EU “Youth” programme (now ‘Youth in Action’, soon ‘Erasmus+ | Youth in Action’) was expressed. We thought that there are many youth leaders and youth workers around Europe, who organise great activities for young people in their town or in their country, but they do not spread their ideas at European level. Thus “Appetiser” is nothing more than a space for these people to meet, share their experiences, gain knowledge and confidence to organise international projects. View the album…
Posted in Appetizer, Training Course, YiA
Tagged adrasan, appetizer, babilon travel ngo, turkey
Terra Mirabilis: Tourist Tracks for Visually Impaired Young People
The local project Terra Mirabilis will take place in the city of Cluj, between April 7 and November 30, 2014. Though it has a local character, the project has a national and international follow-up. In this regard, the main objectives of Terra Mirabilis support the programmes “Cluj-Napoca: European Youth Capital 2015” and also the project “Cluj-Napoca: European Capital of Culture 2021”. Read more…
Posted in Projects, Terra Mirabilis
Tagged babilon travel ngo, disabled, terra mirabilis, visually impaired
(MeToVIM) Non-formal education: methods and tools in the world of visually impaired young people
Babilon Travel NGO launched the new project “(MeToVIM) Non-formal education: methods and tools in the world of visually impaired young people” which considers the testing and development of methods and existing tools and creating new ones, dedicated to the work with disabled young people. Read more…
Reflective Practices: The Training in Pictures
This course took place in Burnley/UK, between 9-16 March, 2014. It was designed to explore the theory of reflective practice in youth work from an UK perspective. The UK has over 60 years history of professional youth work which this course intended and succeeded to highlight. This course was open to 30 participants based in Estonia, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Turkey and the UK. See the pictures…
Posted in Reflective Practices, Training Course
Reflective Practices: Training course in UK
This course, taking place in Burnley/UK, between 9-16 March, 2014, aims to explore the theory of reflective practice in youth work from a UK perspective. The UK has over 60 years history of professional youth work which this course plans to highlight and demonstrate how this came to be. This course is open to participants based in Estonia, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Turkey and the UK. Read more…
Posted in Reflective Practices, Training Course, YiA
LEARN & SHARE: YiA Event Bucharest 2013
Learn & Share was an event that where we were not just spectators but also actors.
24 projects seen through the eyes of those who have created and implemented them and 12 open spaces for active experimentation through NFE methods were present at the event that took place in Bucharest between December 5-6, 2013. Read more…
GET CONNECTED: eCommunication Training Cyprus 2013
ERASMUS+: Writing Projects (Training Course)
Erasmus+: Writing projects – was a training course for youth workers developing projects in the context of the new European funding programme, Erasmus+, programme to be implemented in 2014-2020! The course was held inCluj between 18 to 20 October 2013.. Citește mai departe…
Establishing an NGO was our first TC on which we participated
The TC ran from August 16 to 18, 2013 in Cluj/Romania and had a decisive role in founding Babilon Travel Association. Read more