Our individual perception of the world in which we live is different for each of us. The Universe, seen as the place and time where all of our worlds coexist and interact, can become better, more enjoyable and happier if these differences will constitute the elements of bridges that unite us rather than bricks in walls that divide us.
Babilon Travel NGO is designing programmes and projects that promote the social and economic inclusion of young people with disabilities or fewer opportunities, on local and European level. These programms and projects are widely using elements of non-formal education, intercultural learning, active European citizenship and volunteering. They address the fundamental need of young disabled people to leave their comfort zone (where they interact only with family, educators and friends – many of these also disabled), to be more involved in the local community, to increase their mobility, increasing this way, their chances of employment and making them active European citizens. On the other hand, the programms and projects of Babilon Travel NGO, are targeting the need of involving disabled and non-disabled young people in common activities. This way, the non-disabled youngsters have the opportunity to be more familiar with the world of disabled people, to better understand their needs, hopes and fears and realize that after all, these are not different of their owns. This way the non-disabled young people become ambassadors of their disabled peers in the local and international community.
In its programmes and projects, Babilon Travel NGO is developing inclusive activities, on local and international level, involving mixed groups of disabled and non-disabled young people, activities adapted to the needs of them all. Beside adaptive sport and outdoor activities, mixed groups of young people participate to a variety of national and European mobility projects (youth exchanges, study visits, etc.). Due to our extended partnership with local city halls, cultural and educational institutions, Babilon Travel NGO acts as a sending organisation for youth workers, educators and volunteers, involved in activities with young people with disabilities or with fewer opportunities, to a diversity of training courses, exchange of good practices, capacity building, etc., regarding non-formal education, intercultural learning, employability, entrepreneurship and active European citizenship.